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Dear International Students,


To provide you with a safe, comfortable, harmonious and friendly living condition, let’s learn the information below together.

² 共同遵守中华人民共和国法律

² To abide by the laws of PRC.

² 共同遵守东北林业大学大学的公寓管理制度和校外住宿管理规定

² To obey the NEFU Apartment Management Regulations and Off-Campus Living Administrative Provisions.

² 相互尊重各国和各民族间不同的宗教和风俗习惯

² To show mutual respect to the different religions and customs of various countries and nationalities.


I. Registration and Enrollment


International students should register before the due date written on their admission letters. At the beginning of the semester, the students should go to Teaching Affairs Office, Student Affairs Section, Student Service Office at the School of International Education and Exchanges and the academic School to finish their registration on time.








1. Materials and documents you need to take

(1)Passport and its copies

(2)Admission Letter

(3)Form of JW201 or JW202

(4)Four two-inch photos

(5)Registration Form for Foreign Student

(6)Apartment Security Responsibility Guarantee and Safety Responsibility Agreement



2. Fees you need to pay

Tuition fee, insurance fee, book fees, living fees


International students should apply for and make phone card and bank card by themselves.


II. Insurance


1. Students who learn in Northeast Forestry University should purchase insurance when they study in China. If students do not have insurance in China, they cannot register, have visa or residence permit.


2. Every semester, the validity period for insurance starts on February 24th or August 25th. Chinese language students can buy their insurance based on exact study period. International students who have full time scholarship, their insurance will be paid by Ministry of Education. The other students will pay by themselves. Insurance fee: 800 RMB for one year, 400 RMB for half year.


3. For the international students who had the insurance that NEFU suggested and had accident within the validity period of insurance, the School of International Education and Exchanges will contact the insurance company and they will cover all the fees that student needs to recover. If they have accident out of the validity period, the students need to cover all the fees themselves. After the students buy the insurance, if they have to suspend, transfer, or drop out of university, the insurance will still be valid if they are in China.


III. Physical Examination


For those who plan to study in China for more than six months, they must go to the Health and Quarantine Department for confirmation of thePhysical Examination Record for Foreignerwithin the prescribed time limit. Those who cannot provide thePhysical Examination Record for Foreignermust go to Heilongjiang Province Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureaufor medical examination. Upon examination, the students who shall be found with disease which is not allowed in China should leave China immediately.






The materials needed for medical examination

(1)One 2-inch photo with white background (3.5cm*4.5cm)


(3)363RMB for physical examination

(4)Physical Examination Record for Foreigner





After a working day, you can take the medical receipt and go and take the result of the examination at 3p.m

Address: No.9 Gan Shui Road, Development Zone, Harbin.

Phone: 0451-82337560

Work Hours: Monday to Friday. 8:00-11:30 am..

Line: Take No.68 bus, and get off at Swan Hotel, then, cross the street and walk 300 meters.


IV. Visa



工作时间:周一到周五8:30-11:30 1:30-4:30

1. International students usually need X or F visa to register in university program. Students who study in China over six months should use form JW201 or JW202, registration notice andPhysical Examination Record for Foreignerto have X1 visa, while international students who study no more than six months need to use form JW201 or JW202 and registration notice to have X2 visa. Students who study in China with group should use invitation letter to apply for F visa.

Address: Harbin Entry-Exit Administration Bureau

Jing Wei First Street, Harbin.

Work Hours: Monday to Friday. 8:30-11:30 am, 1:30-4:30 pm.


2. After entering China, international students should go to nearer police station to haveAccommodation Registration Form for Foreignerswithin 24 hours. Oversea students who have X visa must go to local police station to go through residence permit within 30 days.


3. The validity period for residence permit (no more than passport expiry date) cannot be more than 6 years. Scholarship students will depend on the term of their scholarship. Self-financed students will depend on the period that their tuition fees cover. International students must leave China before their residence permit expires. International students who want to continue their study need to go through their extension before the due date of their residence permit.


4. If international students need to go out of the country (including going to Hong Kong and Macao) within validity period of their residence permit, they should go to Student Affairs Section at School of International Education and Exchanges to register.



5. International students should contact Student Affairs Section 10 to 15 days before their visa expires to have their extensions.

If due to personal reason they cannot extend their visa and handle residence permit procedure, international students should cover all the fees themselves and have full responsibility for their visa expiration. Students who study in China should make sure that their visa is valid (if they have any confusion, please bring passport to ask). If visa is expired and international students still stay in China, public security agency will punish those international students based on law.


6. If foreigners have X visa but not apply for residence permit within 30 days, have L visa and F visa already expired but not apply for extensions, and have residence permit expired but not ask for extend, those actions all violate Chinese law, which constitute the crime of illegal detention. For the foreigners who have illegal detention, public security agency will give severe punishment. Normally foreigners should have 500 RMB as penalty per day (total amount will no more than 5000 RMB), or take into custody three to 10 days. If the circumstances are serious, foreigners will be ordered to leave China.


7. If international students need to transfer into another city, they should go to former residence to go through emigration formalities. When they arrive in a new city, they should go to local exit-entry administration to go through immigration formalities within 10 days.


8. If international students need to exit temporarily during their study period, they should go through re-entry procedure before their leaving. If international students still want to continue their study in China after their visas or residence permit expire, they must go through their extension procedure before their due date on visa and residence permit. If they don’t extend their due date on time, Public Security Agency will execute according to the Article78 of .Law of People’s Republic of China on Administration of Entry and Exit.


V. Food and Drink


1. University Dining Hall


International Students can cook by themselves in the public kitchen in their apartment building, or they can eat in student dining hall with campus card.


2. Surrounding Restaurants


(1)Dongli Square: Golden Hans Barbeque, Culture Restaurant, McDonald and Orient King of Dumplings.


(2)Central Avenue: Huamei Western Restaurant, Lucia Coffee Western Restaurant, etc.

Bus Line: Get on the No.102 Bus at NEFU Bus Stop, and get off at Jingwei Street Stop.


Warm Prompt

² 中央大街和开发区黄河路是哈尔滨两大美食集中地,这里既可以吃到纯正的东北菜,又可以吃到正宗的俄式大餐;

² The Central Avenue and Huanghe Road in the Development Zone are two places with most delicacies in Harbin. You can have both traditional northeast dishes and authentic Russian feasts.

² 对于还不习惯中国饮食或者有特殊饮食习惯的同学来说,可以在公寓附近的菜市场或者家乐福超市买菜回公寓自己做饭。

² For students not yet accustomed to Chinese diet or with special dietary habit, you can cook on your own in the apartment kitchen after buying food material in the market or Carrefour supermarket nearby.

² 考虑到饮食安全,建议同学们去食堂就餐。

² Considering food safety, it is better to eat in the dining hall on campus.

² 食堂用餐的同学请注意,饭卡充值及相关业务办理在一卡通服务大厅

² For students who eat on campus, you can put money on your student card in the first floor of the card service hall.


VI. Shopping



1. Central Avenue: All the Harbin delicacies and specialties are here. The main shopping malls are Harbin New 100, MYKAL, Golden Sun Boutique, Central Shopping Mall, Jinan International Shopping Mall and Parkson Shopping Mall, etc.

Bus Line: Get on the No.102 Bus at NEFU Bus Stop, and get off at Central Avenue Stop.



2. Qiulin Business District: The main shopping malls here are Qiulin Commercial Building, Grand Shopping Center, Hongbo and Qiulin Underground Store, etc.

Bus Line: Get on the No.10 Bus at NEFU Bus Stop, and get off at The Provincial Exhibition Center Stop.


3. Dongli Square: Main shopping areas are Carrefour Supermaket and Songlei Commercial Building.


Warm Prompt: The surroundings of shopping malls are crowded, please take good care of your personal belongings and look out for traffic safety.


VII. Leisure Tourism




1. Sun Island: National 5A Level Scenic Spot, located in the north bank of Songhua River.

2. Ice and Snow World: Located nearby the Sun Island.

3. Yabuli Ski Resort, Yuquan Ski Resort, etc.: You can contact travel agencies by yourself.


4. Dragon Tower: Dragon Tower, 336 meters high, is situated in Harbin, the first large city in northeast China. It is a comprehensive multifunctional tower integrating the functions of radio-TV signal radiation, tour and sightseeing, catering and recreation, advertising communication, environmental meteorological watch, microwave communication and wireless communication in one. It is located at No.178 Changjiang Road, Nangang District.


5. Siberia Tiger Park: Siberia Tiger Park is the largest raising and breeding base for Siberia tigers in the world, and also the national Siberia tiger provenance breeding base. It is located at No.88 Songbei Street, Songbei District, Harbin.


Warm Prompt

² 素有“东方小巴黎”美誉哈尔滨是旅游和休假的圣地,但是各旅游景点人员密集,情况复杂,请同学们在游玩过程中注意交通安全和财产安全。

² 有饮酒习惯的留学生同学请注意:哈尔滨的酒吧人员复杂,打架斗殴事故频发,请注意安全。

² With the good reputation of “Oriental Paris”, Harbin is the holy land for tourism and resort, but the scenic spots are crowded and the situations are complex. Please look out on transportation safety and property safety.

² For international students having alcohol drinking habits, you should know that people in the bars in Harbin are complex and there are often fighting accidents, so you should be cautious about your safety.


VIII. Accommodation


1. Living on Campus


(1)At present, there are three apartment buildings for international students in NEFU. They are No.7 Student Apartment Building, and No.2 International Student Apartment Building and New Apartment Building


(2)To ensure that students have a safe, warm and comfortable living condition, please pay attention to the following cautions:


①Schedule: The apartment door is closed between 22:30 and 6:00 to make sure the students have a quite environment and enough time to sleep and prepare for the next day’s study. Except for Friday and Saturday, if students have to go out or return late, please go to the office and ask for leave before 17:00 the very day. If permitted, students should leave the apartment before 21:00 and register at the operator on duty.


②Regulation for Visitors: Visitors should show their ID cards,passports or other valid credentials initiatively and register. Time for Visiting: 8:00---22:00.


③International student apartment is the paid personal living place for international students. To ensure your personal safety and avoid property loss or personal injury, please do not accommodate your guests or transfer your bed to others.


④To ensure a favorable environment for rest, please do not drink excessively, bustle or play noisy music.


⑤The items in international student apartments are prepared for students by the university. After your leaving, other students will use them, so please cherish them. The person who broke the items will be claimed for compensation.


⑥For other matters, please refer to Regulations on International Students’ Apartment of Northeast Forestry University (For Trial Implementation).


2. Living off Campus


(1) For students who need to live off campus please come to the Student Services Office (at Room 203, Apartment Building) to register. After getting permitted, students should find living place off campus by themselves.


(2) According to relevant Chinese laws, to guarantee your legal identity to check in, please come with the landlord to the local police station to transact theRegistration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitorswithin 24 hours after moving in the house.


(3) Come to School of International Education and Exchange and bringthe Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitorsfrom the police station andthe House Rental Agreementfrom your landlord.


(4) For other matters, please refer to Regulations on Off-campus Accommodation for International Students of Northeast Forestry University (for Trial Implementation).




1. According to relevant provisions, international students are not allowed to be accompanied by their spouse or children. For couples who are both students of NEFU, they can apply for a suite, one month beforehand. If possible, they can get a suite. Other students have to live in dormitory.


2. For students whose study period is less than one year, living off campus is not allowed, but for those whose spouse has studied or worked in Harbin over one year, their application will be in consideration. Students who study on campus over one year can apply for their spouse and children to accompany them. But the application shall be handed in two months beforehand. The university is not responsible for presenting relevant official letters about the accompanying relatives and would not provide relevant materials for handling the residence permit for the accompanying family members or children.


3. For the first year students who give up on-campus dormitory and apply for off-campus living because of personal reasons, the accommodation allowance will be canceled.


4. For students and their family members who live off campus must obey the laws and rules in China. Otherwise, corresponding punishment will be carried out according to their action. If the consequences are severe, the students will get expelled.


Warm Prompt

² 留学生公寓实行严格的门禁制度,请同学们注意关门时间。

² International Student Apartment has strict entrance guard system; please pay attention to the closing time.

² 为不影响他人休息,请不要在房间内酗酒、喧闹或者大声播放音乐。

² In order to not influence others’ rest, please do not drink excessively, bustle or play noisy music

² 校外住宿的同学请务必严格按照校外住宿流程办理,考虑到周边环境的复杂性,选择房源时请慎重。

² Students who want to live off campus must obey the off-campus living procedure strictly. Considering the complexity of surroundings, you should choose house cautiously.


IX. Venues for Religious Activities





1. Daowai Moaque

Address: No.54 the South 13thStreet, Daowai District, Harbin

2. Harbin Orthodox Eastern Church

Address: No.270 Dongdazhi Street, Nangang District, Harbin

3. Shike Street Catholic Church

Address: No.47 Shike Street, Nangang District, Harbin

4. Harbin Jile Temple

Address: East end of Dongdazhi Street, Nangang District, Harbin (Behind Amusement Park)



Warm Prompt: Dear students, NEFU respects your religion. Please develop your religious activities in the above venues.


X. Chinese Etiquette


China is known as the state of ceremonies, its Chinese etiquette culture has a long history, and it is really profound. International students can acquire more knowledge of Chinese etiquette in their daily life so as to enhance their personal integrity.


Polite Expressions:The most frequently used polite expressions in daily life are“请”、“谢谢”、“对不起”、“你好”。Also, there are“您好”、“劳驾”、“我可以……”,“再见”、“欢迎光临” etc. For more information, you can refer to the following website:


Personal Integrity: understanding and tolerance, refined and courteous, faithful and trustworthy, modest and easy-going, enthusiastic and sincere. For more information, you can refer to the following website:


XI. Tips for Daily Life







1. Vehicles in China are driven by the right side, so please be careful while crossing roads.

2. Watch your mobile phone and wallet while shopping out.

3. Avoid going out alone at night, especially do not go to remote or empty streets.

4. Conflicts and fights frequently occur in Chinese bars, so please keep away from bars.

5. If you have your phone number changed, please inform the Student Services Office immediately.

6. The winters in Harbin are long and cold, so please keep warm.


Important Reminders


(1)International students, in accordance with relevant Chinese laws, you are not allowed to get employed, do business, or engage in other business activities while studying at the university.


(2)Please exchange money in banks, do not exchange in private stores or with individuals. It is illegal to exchange money in unauthorized places.


(3)For students who want to drive vehicles, please register in the Student Affairs Office with driving license. Do not buy or use vehicles with no license plates. Driving without driving license, driving after drinking and high-speed driving are forbidden.


(4)Keep the teaching area and study area like library, quite. No smoking in the classroom or non-smoking zone.


(5)Public security condition in Harbin is good, but you have to be careful as well. Watch your passport, money, cell phone, and do not take passport or too much cash with you. You had better save your money in banks, and withdraw it when necessary.


(6)Please take the students ID card with you to verify your identity on campus or in Harbin city.


XII. Mental Health


Dear international students,


Living abroad and far away from your parents, siblings and close friends, you have to face new study and living environment, and get accustomed to new traditions and ethnic culture. What’s more you need to solve the problems of major-choosing, conflicts between ideal and reality, interpersonal relationships, contradictory issues of love affairs and future vocational choice, etc. To avoid or eliminate the pressure caused by the problems mentioned above, and face the study life in China positively, we conclude the previous management experiences and cases and provide you with the following advice:


1. Form healthy living style. Healthy living condition indicates living regularly, alternate work with rest, scientific brain use, persisting physical exercises, drinking less alcohol, no smoking, and keeping personal hygiene. College life has heavy study burden and psychological pressure. To maintain the high study efficiency, students have to arrange well the daily study, exercise and rest regularly.


2. Enforce self-mental regulation. The core content of self-mental regulation includes emotion adjustment, willpower sharpening and adaptive capacity improving. You need to face the reality and learn to adjust yourself, and keep good contact with reality.


3. Participate in leisure activities actively, and enhance the communication of different cultures. International students should cultivate various interests, hobbies. By participating in various activities, they can release potential ability, keep up their spirits, relieve nervousness, and keep physical and mental health. By communicating with international students from different culture backgrounds, you can enrich and activate your inner world, which is good for mental health.


4. Students can participate in psychological lectures, and get psychological consultation knowledge. Students can ask experienced psychological teacher for help through talking and mental cure to strengthen psychological enduring capacity to overcome psychological crisis.


In a word, psychological health is the important guarantee for international students to study and live in China. A good mental state can not only help students get good study achievement, but also has benefits for their life-long development. Finally, sincerely hope you can spend a happy and healthy time in NEFU.


XIII. Emergency Circumstances


Dear International Students,


Far away from your relatives and friends, inevitably, you may meet some emergency circumstances while studying in NEFU. To make sure that you can solve different emergency circumstances well, please read the following information carefully.







1. Call the following numbers while in emergency.

Police Station: 110

Fire Alarm: 119

Ambulance: 120

Traffic Accident: 122

Campus Alarm Call: 82192110


2. Emergency Management





(1) How to call the police?

①Do remember that the number of police station is “110”.

②While dialing “110”, please do not let the bandits know. You should not only make sure your own safety, but also distract their attention until the police come.

③Do not be panic. Be calm and tell the operator the exact location, the number, the vehicles and the weapons of the bandits in order to help the police find countermeasures and arrest them effectively.




(2) How to deal with property stolen?

①If you find yourself in situation where your property has been stolen, please dial “110” immediately, and report your address, name and consequences.

②Especially, if your cards were stolen, please inform the card-release agents and report for loss so as to cease the payment to eliminate loss.






(3) How to report a fire?

①If you encounter a fire, please dial “119” immediately.

②Report the exact location of the fire.

③Describe briefly the surroundings and road transportation of the fire.

④State the cause of the fire.





(4) How to deal with sudden illness?

①Dial “120” immediately, inform the office teacher and report patient’s natural information like name, nationality, class and state of illness and causes.

②Before the ambulance comes, do first aid to the patient.

③Report the patient’s medical history to doctors, and present the medicines he/she use frequently to help doctors diagnose better.






(5) How to deal with traffic accident?

①Dial “110” or “122” immediately.

②If there is anyone hurt, dial “120”and engage immediately to rescue.

③Preserve the scene to wait for traffic police.

④If the trouble-causing driver escaped, record the license number and direction and report it to traffic police.

