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Chinese and Foreign Alumni wish NEFU a Happy 70th

“IamFarisfromJakarta, Indonesia,andI wish my alma mater a happy 70th birthday!”On the big screen isavideo congratulation for the 70th anniversary ofNEFUsent byanIndonesian student who graduated last year.

On the morning of June 19, the 7th International Cultural Festival of Northeast Forestry Universitywas openedon a sunny day. With the theme of“Payingtribute tothe70th anniversary and lookingforward to the future together”, the festival brought together a number ofactivitiessuch as the exhibition ofacademicachievements of studying in China,aquizonschoolhistory, the sharing of worlddelicaciesand cultural display,bringinga wonderful experienceforthefaculty membersand students.

At the opening ceremony, Li Shunlong, member of thestandingcommittee of theparty andvicepresidentof NEFU, delivered a speech. He said that since 1957,when13 Vietnamese studentsbegan theirstudy atNEFU, nearly 3,000 foreign students from 100 countries on five continentshave studiedhere.NEFUwill continueherroleininternationaleducation, so that international students will become a new force in“telling Chinese storieswell”,helpingtobuild a community with a shared future for mankind, promoting exchanges among civilizationsandengaginginglobal governance.Atthe graduation season, the leaders and guests present also issued certificates and letters of appointment to the 2022 outstandinginternationalstudents and the 2022 internationalalumni liaisons. The Peking Opera House of Heilongjiang Province and the Third Middle School of Tailai County, Qiqihar City sent a videoto congratulate, wishing the festival a success.

Vice President Li ShunlongAwardedHonoraryCertificates toOutstandingGraduated InternationalStudents

Chinese and foreign studentstogetherperformeda talentshow.StudentsfromNorth Koreapresentedachorus and guitar playing;StudentsfromCongo broughttheirtraditional dances,takingusto experience the folk customs in the tropical rainforest;StudentsfromIndonesia and students from the Northeast Forestry University Chinese Culture Enlightenment Research Association brought calligraphy and Chinese classical dancing, paying tribute to the 70th anniversary. Chinese student associations such as theMartial ArtAssociation, Tai Chi Association, and NEFUChinese Culture Enlightenment Research Association demonstrated the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture inNEFU;The song “MeetinDonglin”aroused the loveforNEFUofteachers and students at the scene, and everyone sang along; The wonderfulshowswith distinctive features won the applause of the teachers and students present.


“In order to let everyone taste the authentic Vietnamese food, my classmates and I startedtopreparein themorning. I am really happy to see that everyone likes Vietnamese food so much.”AninternationalstudentfromVietnam saidtous. The international students shared their country's unique food and culturewithus, such as authentic spicy cabbage, Vietnamese spring rolls, and Russian fried dumplingsetc.Althoughtheweatherwashot, Chinese students at the scenewerestillenjoyingtheactivityandthelocalcustoms,appreciatingtraditionalhandicraftsandtastingdelicaciesofdifferentcountriesin front of the20exhibitionbooths. Theyalso communicated with international students from time to time.



Aquiz session on school historywas set up at the scene. Chinese and foreign studentsactively participated in the questioning-and-answering part. The on-sitefaculty membersand students alsoreviewed the development of international education of NEFU.


Heads of relevant functional departments, deputy secretaries of the party committees and deputy deans of some colleges and more than a thousand Chinese and foreign students participated in the cultural festival. The annual International Cultural Festival has becomemore attractiveand an important platform for cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign teachers and students. The festival reflectsof the inclusivenessand diversityofthecampusculture. Itisalsoagiftto the 70th anniversary ofNEFUfrominternational students.

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